Karl Blossfeldt, Equisetum hyemale, Dutch rush, photogravure

After completing a course in interior design, then in jewellery design in Antwerp, I spent six years working for a renowned contemporary jeweller in Brussels, followed by a memorable extended stay at a national nature reserve in Africa. 
On my return to Brussels, my ensuing experience in styling photo-shoots gave me further exposure to the fundamental elements of design : proportion, material, and colour.

My creative impulse, which had always been present, my fascination for the designs and patterns expressed in the natural world, and my admiration for time-honoured craftsmanship, were nurtured and enriched by all these experiences.

The expressions of form to which I was drawn—natural shapes, and the circle—led to the creation, in 2003, of SATURNE, a pair of bronze bookends that I designed, produced and distributed. 
After a fruitful period in the field of interior design came my desire, in 2015, to create a range of low tables of broadly circular form, giving them an added aesthetic touch by paying particular creative attention to the table-legs, treated as sculptural elements in their own right and elevated by their being cast in bronze. The ‘CAGE’ dining-table followed in the same year, and the ‘MILO’ pedestal, such as the low tables  'KUBA' and ‘ORIGIN’,  joined the family in 2019.

Thus it is that each and every piece I design is finished in close collaboration with European artisans, masters of their craft and guardians of a noble ancestral tradition. The resulting collection offers the customer a novel and conscientious approach to consumption: a return to the principles that prevailed before the era of industrial production and mass consumption, and an act of faith in the enduring value of objects of beauty and craftsmanship. These pieces are destined to become heirloom objects, cherished and passed on to the next generation.
My customers are individuals of discernment and taste, who prefer not to surround themselves with branded, easily recognisable and briefly fashionable icons of mass production.

The objects that I design bear proudly the traces of the artisan makers whose craftsmanship enhances the intrinsic character of every piece that passes through their hands.
Each piece is engraved with the name ‘anne tack’ and the year of production.
All models are registered trademarked designs.



all models are registered . copyright © Anne Tack - all rights reserved | website and hosting by progone | photography by philippe de formanoir